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Xvideos affiliate program guide for WordPress webmasters.

There is no affiliate program with, only porn video content for your website.

3 ways to import Xvideos videos in your website

1. By hand

The most basic way is to go directly to the website, search for what you want and then copy the video informations by hand and add it in a new article.

  1. Go to
  2. Find the video you want by navigating on the site
  3. Save the video thumbnail on your hard drive
  4. Create a new post on your site
  5. Add the title from Xvideos
  6. Copy and past the iframe into your post content
  7. Add the keywords
  8. Upload the saved thumbnail
  9. Set the thumbnail as the post featured image
  10. Check a WordPress category
  11. Repeat from the first step for each video you want


  • get exactly what you want


  • tedious
  • time consuming
  • no thumbnail rotation
  • no videos trailers
  • no duration

2. From a Xvideos video url

What if you could import videos from Xvideos in a fastest way, by doing the previous 3 to 10 steps automatically?

This is possible with WPS Single Embedder. This WordPress adult plugin allows you to drop any amount of videos urls from Xvideos. Then it will create one new post per video on your site, with all informations about those videos.


  • Get exactly what you want all data saved in new posts automatically very fast


  • Time consuming if you need a lots of videos

3 . From a Xvideos category or any keyword

Importing videos one by one is good. You get very precise video you need. But often you'll want a lots of videos from Xvideos very fast when you create a new porn site.

In this case, you'll want to use WPS Mass Embedder. This is the most popular of our adult WordPress plugins. You can search and import videos from any keyword you want directly in the plugin. Import new videos frequently with auto pilot and many more features.

4 . Frequently asked questions

Can Xvideos videos be played on mobile?

Yes, videos from Xvideos can be read on every support: mobile, tablet and desktop.

What player is used to play Xvideos videos?

Xvideos is a Tube, it means you can only play their videos with Xvideos embed player.

Is there any redirection on mobile?

No, there is no redirection when you play a Xvideos video on mobile.

Are Xvideos videos HTTPS ready?

Yes, videos from Xvideos can be played on HTTPS sites.

Does Xvideos offer several thumbnails for rotation on mouse hover?

Yes, several thumbs can be grabbed with Xvideos tube partner. So with WP themes which have the thumbnails rotation feature like WP-Script Adult Themes, you can see a preview on thumb hover.

Does Xvideos offer video trailer on thumb mouse hover?

Yes, several thumbs can be grabbed with Xvideos tube partner. So with WP themes which have the thumbnails rotation feature like WP-Script Adult Themes, you can see a preview on thumb hover.

Straight, gay or shemale videos with Xvideos?

You can grab straight / gay / shemale porn videos with Xvideos tube partner.

5 . How to make money with Xvideos affiliate program

There is no affiliate program for webmasters with Xvideos partner, only video content for your site.